Is this going to have a sequel? Because the map is bigger than the game.
It's pretty good, just the combat could be made a little more fun.
Is this going to have a sequel? Because the map is bigger than the game.
It's pretty good, just the combat could be made a little more fun.
Loved it.
I assume the colored cubes are a reference to the movie "The Cube" :)
Not bad, not bad at all. A lot easier than the gummy bear one though, that one required a lot more upgrades and patience :) Here I just skipped two of the kickers, went straight for the 500k one, and with only one upgrade of it and a level 14 critter, reached the end of the game. Still high quality stuff, so 5 stars :)
The idea seems great, but the game is confusing. I hacked regions economy which says "you get some money each turn". I have exactly zero, nihil, nada, nul, money each turn, and have never been able to build a building in this game (which costs money) because it's simply not clear how and I keep having 0 money.
Well, I was using floor() somewhere and it would prevent you from getting any money if your economy multiplied by banks hacked was below 4. It's fixed now. I also added the tutorial, and save/loading.
It's ok, I think there is just too much downtime. Too much loading and animations between adventures etc...
THe game is broken fo rme. Sometimes a grey transparent box at the bottom appears that I suppose is supposed to contain text, but instead all I see are a few white pixels appearing from left to right, the rest chopped off.
In addition, I see scenes, like a table or computer desk, and when moving the mouse over these scenes, a white dot about 2 centimeters right of my mouse cursor appears to follow the cursor. I assume this was supposed to be under the mouse cursor?
The game uses normal graphics, so I don't understand whsy it has to depend on Flash features that are apparently broken on my PC?
Thing is that the project began as a stage3d project utilizing Starling library. Unfortunately that technology apparently isn't as mature yet as it should be. Originally I had few ideas why to use Starling and regarded it as a learning project. Only later when project evolved I realized that I should have gone with regular Flash.
*Fake* bad review! (The 5 stars should give away that I liked the game)!
The game claims it's scientifically accurate, but it's not! Prehistoric humans did not live together with dinosaurs, and sharks could never throw boomerangs!! The graphics are ok but the game goes way too fast to actually see them!! There is no way to lose the game, no matter what you do you can always enter the waterfall and slay the boss!
Great game! Just one thing: Dynamite, really? That was invented in 1867. The theme seems from before that time :)
I find it good but not perfect:
The good stuff:
-The ship upgrading system is really fun
-Solid graphics, audio, style, etc...
The flawed stuff:
-Everything seems to pre-scripted: you can only buy what the shop has, rather than having the full unlimited freedom of buying what you want with your money for more customization of your ship
-Near the end you have more money than you can spend, there is something missing, the "awesome but super expensive thing that you really want to save up for"
-The flying and shooting has too little interaction, the arrows are only useful in the very first galaxies
fear not man who practice thousand attacks once. fear man who practice one attacks, thousand times.
Age 41, Male
Joined on 3/19/06